Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag | 2017

This tag was created by · tag criada por: ReadLikeWildfire & Earl Grey Books!


Read in English

Last week I posted the Seven Deadly Sins book tag, and now I’m back with another tag. This one is one of my favorites to watch because it’s sort of a review of the first half of the year, and I love to learn about other people’s reads!

If you’re interested in doing this tag, you just have to copy the questions below and get to work! ♡

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2017.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2017.
3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to.
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year.
5. Biggest disappointment.
6. Biggest surprise.
7. Favourite new author. (Debut or new to you)
8. Newest fictional crush.
9. Newest favourite character.
10. Book that made you cry.
11. Book that made you happy.
12. Favourite book to film adaptation you saw this year.
13. Favourite review you’ve written this year. (Booktube version: Favourite video you have done so far in this year)
14. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received)
15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

How has 2017 been for you in terms of reading? Let me know all about it in the comments below!

Thank you for reading, you’re the best!
See you on my next post ♡



Lê em Português

Na semana passada publiquei a tag dos Sete Pecados Literários, e hoje voltei com outra tag. A tag dos 50% foca-se no balanço das leituras da primeira metade do ano, bem como nas metas para a segunda metade.

É uma das minhas tags preferidas, adoro ver as leituras e planos de outras pessoas!

Nota: esta tag foi traduzida pelo Geek Freak

Para quem quiser responder à tag, aqui estão as perguntas:

1. O melhor livro que você leu até agora, em 2017.
2. A melhor continuação que você leu até agora, em 2017.
3. Algum lançamento do primeiro semestre que você ainda não leu, mas quer muito.
4. O livro mais aguardado do segundo semestre.
5. O livro que mais te decepcionou esse ano.
6. O livro que mais te surpreendeu esse ano.
7. Novo autor favorito (que lançou seu primeiro livro nesse semestre, ou que você conheceu recentemente).
8. A sua quedinha por personagem fictício mais recente.
9. Seu personagem favorito mais recente.
10. Um livro que te fez chorar nesse primeiro semestre.
11. Um livro que te deixou feliz nesse primeiro semestre.
12. Melhor adaptação cinematográfica de um livro que você assistiu até agora, em 2015.
13. Sua resenha favorita desse primeiro semestre (escrita ou em vídeo).
14. O livro mais bonito que você comprou ou ganhou esse ano.
15. Quais livros você precisa ou quer muito ler até o final do ano?

Como foi o vosso ano em termos de leituras? Contem-me tudo nos comentários, adorava ficar a par de tudo!

Obrigada por visitarem o meu blog!
Vêmo-nos no próximo post ♡


Discbound Bullet Journal Setup: July 2017


Hey everyone, happy 4th of July!! 🇺🇸

This month I chose to go for an aquarium-themed setup, in honor of Summer starting at the end of June. I am incredibly proud of how it came out, and I hope you will love it as well ♡

I will explain what I use each spread for, and how I use it, so if you’d like to know how, just keep reading!! The setup video will be at the end.

monthly spread


I have been using the same calendar format for a couple months now, and it really works for me. It’s pretty simple: one column for all day events, one for AM, and one for PM events. Each line corresponds to a certain day, and I will write down whatever events/appointments will be happening on said day.

When I write them down, I put a little dot next to the event, so I know what kind of event it is: if it’s a birthday, I will put a yellow dot, if it’s an appointment, that’s blue, and so on…

On the right I always have a column where I’ll write down the major tasks or goals for the month to keep me focused on them. I also added a tiny calendar of the following month (in this case, it’s August), because it’s useful to have an overview of the month ahead!

monthly tracker

I use the tracker for both my habits and my self-care.

I list out all of the days on the top, and then I write down all of my habits. Each day I will make a dot on the things I did that day, and that will give me an idea of what I need to improve on.

For my self care, I rate myself on a scale of 1-10 on each of those five areas. each day I make a dot in the corresponding color, and then I connect the dots to make a graph.

one line a day


In this page, I write down one line about each day. I usually write down what happened or what I did that day, but it can be whatever you want to write down. That’s the beauty of bullet journaling, you’re totally free! ♡

gratitude log


The gratitude page is pretty similar to the previous, but in this one I write down something I’m grateful for. It’s great to flip back to this page each month and see all of the little things that we should be grateful for ♡

expenses tracker


The expenses tracker has one sole purpose: to allow me to see where my money is going. The way I set it up is pretty simple: you put how much you spend on each category that day, and the total on the last column. At the end of the month, you can sum it all up and see where you spent the most, which can be quite helpful!



This page is simply a list of all the prompts for the PlanWithMeChallenge. I am a huge fan of monthly challenges, and if you are too you might want to check this one out. If you’re interested, here’s the link to the challenge for July.



This page is pretty much the same as the last, but it’s a different challenge: RockYourHandwriting! If you’re interested in this one, here is the link to this month’s challenge

mood tracker


Lastly, we have the mood tracker. This is probably my favourite page of this month, I love how it turned out!!

The idea is to color in one feather each day with the color that corresponds to my mood on that day. Then, I add some decoration to the feather, and that’s it! At the end of the month, I will have a beautifully colourful peacock! ♡

Supplies I used:

  • Discbound notebook I made myself (find out how)
  • Staedtler Pigment liners in various sizes
  • Tombow Dual Brush Pens in 772 (pink), 623 (purple), 373 (teal), 991 (yellow), 761 (lighter pink), 873 (coral), 761 (carnation pink) and 451 (light blue)
  • Circle template from AliExpress

And that’s all for my July setup!! Let me know if you have any questions, and definitely leave a comment if you have any suggestions for future content.

Thank you so much for reading,
I’ll see you in my next post ♡

Discbound Bullet Journal Setup: June 2017 ♡


june setup

Hi, everyone! June is almost here – crazy, I know! -, so it’s time for another Bullet Journal setup ♡

For June I am going to switch back to my discbound notebook because I miss it, and hopefully I’ll stick to it for a while! (no promises, though)

As usual, I will explain what I use each spread for, list the supplies I used, and link you to my setup video. So without further ado, let’s get right into it…

Welcome page


I randomly saw a picture of a wooden board with flowers acting as a border, so I took inspiration from that and made a cute little plaque to welcome June into my life. Inspiration is everywhere, guys!!

Monthly Calendar


You probably noticed my colossal mistake… 2010, really? hahaha

So for the calendar, I wanted to try Boho Berry‘s layout. I’ve been doing a list-format calendar for a while, and I find that, if I have more than one thing happening on a certain day, I can’t fit everything in that one day, so extending the calendar will definitely come in handy!

Like Kara, I created a column for all-day, AM and PM events, and also a column where I’ll write down my tasks/projects for the month. I’ll be using the same color code that I use for my Calendex, because it’s easy for me to quickly recognize whatever is happening on a certain day. I also added a tiny calendar, because it looks pretty ahahah

I think this layout is going to work very well, but I’ll keep you updated!

Habit & Self-Care tracker


Next up is my tracker, which looks pretty much the same as May’s tracker. I prefer to do it vertically instead of horizontally because this way there’s more space, and I don’t have to turn my journal around to fill it in each day.

I’m tracking the same things as always, but now I also track whether I take my vitamins/supplements. Like I did for May, I added the moon phases in the hopes of figuring out how the moon affects me, so I can maybe use it to my advantage??

Mood tracker


Last time, I drew 31 flowers with the intent of coloring them in each day. This time, I didn’t feel like drawing a whole page of flowers, so I’m going to draw one every day and fill it in with the color that corresponds to my mood.

I love the Mood Mandala, but I can never keep up with it, and I hate to color in the bigger circles, so I give up for now!

One Line a Day


This month I’m going to attempt to actually keep up with this page – I really like doing it, I just rarely remember to! The idea is to write one line about your day, every day. It’s very simple, and you can write whatever you want. It’s also fun to look back on!!

Supplies I Used:

  • Discbound notebook I made myself (find out how)
  • Staedtler Pigment liners in various sizes
  • Tombow Dual Brush Pens in 772 (pink), 623 (purple), 373 (teal), 991 (yellow), 761 (lighter pink), 873 (coral), 761 (carnation pink) and 451 (light blue)
  • Zebra Mildliners: various colors
  • Circle template from AliExpress


Alright y’all, that’s everything I have on my journal for June. I will be adding more spreads, so if you’d like to see them, definitely follow my Instagram account!

I hope you liked this setup, and don’t forget to watch the video where you can see me do all of them.

If you’re interested in seeing previous setups, here are the posts for February, March, March (mini journal)April and May.

See you in my next post!! ♡


Bullet Journal Setup: May 2017 ♡

may setup

Hello, everyone! Since April is coming to an end, it’s time for another Bullet Journal setup ♡ In today’s post I will talk a bit about each spread, and also share with you my setup video. Hope you like my BuJo as much as I do!

I decided to set up in my Leuchtturm because I am almost up to page 200, so I wanted to use up the rest of the pages during the remaining of my semester – translation: I want to get a new Leuchtturm but will feel bad if I don’t finish this one, so that’s what I’m doing…

For May, I decided to do an Egypt-themed monthly page, because next week I’m going on a field trip related to Egyptian culture with my Pre-Classical History class, which I’m EXTREMELY EXCITED ABOUT!! Also I just really love Maat, so it’s an excuse to draw her hahaha

Aside from the themed monthly, I also added a different spread and changed how my trackers were, so if you’re interested in seeing that, let’s get to it!



First up is my monthly spread, which includes the drawing of Maat, and a calendar in list format, which is the most functional for me.


Here, I write down all of the upcoming events, holidays, birthdays, appointments etc. for the whole month, and I will add more stuff during the month if anything comes up. On top, I wrote my name in hieroglyphic writing, which I know by heart since my professor wrote it on the board once – cool as hell, I know!!


After my calendar comes the ‘One Line a Day‘ spread, which I keep setting up each month but never keep up with… But I think I might be able to fill it up this month, we’ll see!! This page is pretty self-explanatory: you write one line a day, which could be just about something that happened that day, a thought you had, how you felt, etc. It’s up to you, really.


Next up is my favorite page, because it looks absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to start using it!! So for the last couple months I tried to do a Mood Mandala, but I kind of think it’s not for me… I get tired of having to color in the circles, and then when I draw out the mandala I never like it, so then I stop feeling like coloring it and never use it again.

Since that wasn’t working, I decided to make a mood tracker similar to Malin Olivia‘s, because it’s very functional and you don’t have to color in a huge thing, it’s just a little flower. I saw her spread on Instagram one day and I fell in love. I really think I will be able to keep up with it, and it will look sooooo pretty in the end.


The next page is where I am able to see how bad I was during the month… I really like to keep an expense tracker because I can easily see where my money is going, and where I need to be more careful, etc. It’s quite a helpful spread, and it only takes a minute to update whenever I spend any money.


This next page is for the #PlanWithMeChallenge, which I have a hard time keeping up with, unfortunately. I always forget to see what the prompt for the day is and when it pops up in my mind I’ve already gone like two weeks without posting anything… it’s annoying and totally my own fault, so I decided to add it to my journal. Maybe this way I won’t forget?! Hopefully not haha


And lastly is are my habit and self-care trackers, which I decided to combine and do vertically because this way there is more room. I really love how this turned out, and if it works I’ll probably keep this format in the future!

If you’re not familiar with trackers, basically they help you track when/if you do certain things you want to do (e.g. exfoliate) or not to do (e.g. no spending). If you do them that day, you color it in, and at the end of the month you will have a visual of how often you did/didn’t do those things. On my self-care tracker, I rate things from 1-10 (e.g. from 1-10, how good was my mood today). At the end of each day, I reflect on everything I did/felt that day, and I draw a little dot on the number I give myself. I also connect the dots, so at the end of the month I have a little graph.

These trackers are very helpful to me, so I do them every month (even if sometimes I forget to fill them in… oops!)


Supplies Used

Leuchtturm A5 dot-grid notebook

Staedtler Pigment liners in various sizes

Staedtler watercolor palette

Paint brushes from Portuguese brand – any brush will do

Tombow Dual Brush Pens in 772 (pink), 623 (purple), 373 (teal), 991 (yellow), 761 (lighter pink), 873 (coral), 761 (carnation pink) and 451 (light blue)

Zebra Mildliner: mint green and purple-ish pink

Circle template from AliExpress


And that’s all for my May setup, I really hope you liked this post, and don’t forget to watch my setup video, where you can see me do all of these spreads.


If you’re interested in seeing previous setups, here are the posts for February, March, March (mini journal) and April.

See you in my next post!! ♡

Favorite Spreads – Women’s Day Special ♡


Hi everyone, happy Women’s Day!! ♡

In honor of this special day, I thought it would be fun to go through all of my planners and journals and choose my favorite girly and feminine spreads to share with you. It was a lot of fun to go through all of the pages – it gave me nostalgia, which is a feeling I really enjoy!

I will show the spreads in chronological order, from my oldest journal to my newest.

Well, without further ado, let’s get into the spreads…


Monthly “welcome” page from March 2016: I love the colors in this spread, they make it very soft and dainty


This is how I used to do my weekly spreads. I loved it, but since I started tracking what I eat, and a lot of other things, these don’t have enough room for all of that 😦


This is my first monthly spread in my Leuchtturm, and it’s still one of my favorites to this day! It’s so pretty, I love the vases, the washi tape, everything!!


A pretty page to welcome the Fall Semester! This page was inspired by Nicole’s Journal, and I’m still extremely proud of myself for drawing this!!


Monthly page for February a.k.a. the month of love, which obviously requires everything pink with gold accents!!


Weekly spread in my A5 discbound notebook. I love this one because not only was the layout effective, I still was able to doodle and include pretty washi!!


First week of February in my discbound BuJo, which is just so lovely!


Another weekly page from February. As you can see, I was really digging the pinks and all things lovey dovey ♡


The last weekly spread that I did in my A5 discbound, which I didn’t use a lot, but I LOVE it!!


My schedule for the Spring Semester in my mini BuJo, which is just so cute ♡


This month’s mood tracker, which I am obsessed with, it’s so fun and pretty!! Not to mention how incredibly cute it will look when it is all filled in ♡


This month’s calendar in my ring planner. I absolutely LOVE it so far, especially the little flags with the stickers on top 😍  so cute!


And last, but not least, this month’s tracker, which was inspired by Boho Berry. Loving it so far ♡

Alright my loves, those are all of my favorite girly spreads so far, do you like them? Let me know in the comments below, and feel free to share your own favorite spreads with me, I would love to see them!!

See you on my next post ♡

Mini Bullet Journal Setup: March 2017


Hello, lovelies! Today’s post is about my setup for March in my mini Bullet Journal. I always have a ton of fun setting it up and playing around with different spreads, and I hope you’ll like the end result as much as I do!!

It’s pretty simple, but I always have a ton of fun setting it up and playing around with different spreads, and I hope you’ll like the end result as much as I do!!

Let’s get started, shall we?

Welcome page


I always like to add a little decorative page at the start of each month. It looks very pretty and makes me really happy!!

Monthly calendar


Next up is my month at a glance. I always like to have an overview of the whole month, because it’s easier to see how far any appointments, events, assignments, etc. are, and I can be better prepared for them!!

Each thing is color coded, so it makes it easier to find something, or to check for birthdays, for example, I just have to look for yellow, and then see whose birthday it is and voilà!

Monthly trackers


For the monthly tracker, I did the same spread as in my Leuchtturm notebook, which is inspired by Boho Berry. Since the pages are tiny in this notebook, I can’t do the whole thing on one page, but I actually like it better on two pages!!

On the top part are my habits, and on the bottom are my self-care “tasks”. I currently track my sleep, my water intake, my diet, my mood and my productivity. All of those are rated from 1-10 each day, and I love doing this because it makes me reflect on my day, and think about what I should do differently the following day!

Weekly spread


The next spread is the first week of March. I designed this page for this week, but I’m probably going to try a different design each week, and then if there is one I feel like worked best, I’ll mostly use that one!

For this week, I have a square box for each day, another square box for notes, and then a few boxes for this week’s and next week’s tasks, groceries I need to buy and orders I’m waiting on.

Mood tracker


On my Leuchtturm, I set up a Mood Mandala page, but that wouldn’t fit in this one, so I decided to switch it up. I divided a flower’s petals into 31 different sections (one for each day of the month), and each day I will fill one in with the color that corresponds to the most prominent mood of said day, if that makes sense.

On the left page are just my regular dailies for Monday and Tuesday, and I’ll start March’s dailies on the next page, so it worked out perfectly!!


Here is how my cover looks, in case you hadn’t seen it yet. I absolutely LOVE it!!! So proud of myself for making it ♡

Alright guys, that’s all for March so far! I hope you enjoyed taking a peek into my tiny journal. Let me know in the comments what you thought, and definitely leave any suggestions you might have there too!

See you on my next post ♡


Bullet Journal Setup: March 2017 ♡


Hi everyone! Today’s post is all about my setup for the month of March.

I was inspired by Boho Berry – what else is new haha – to do some of the spreads. I will be explaining each spread, in case you want to know how I will be using each of them.

Here is the video of the setup:


March calendar


First up is my monthly calendar. It’s basically just a regular list calendar, like the original Bullet Journal system suggests. On the right page is another list of the days of the month, where I will write one line each day, about said day.

I’ve seen a ton of people doing this, so I thought I would give it a try!



Next up is my gratitude log, which is basically just a page in which you write down things you’re grateful for. I am not very certain how I’m going to use it yet. I am still trying to decide whether to write something I’m grateful for or to use the page like Kara (Boho Berry) does and just add doodles that represent whatever I’m grateful for. What do you think?



To the right is my monthly tracker. I have been doing weekly trackers until now, but most people I see always do their tracking on a monthly basis, so I thought why not? It does make more sense to see the whole month instead of just a week!!

I adapted Kara’s layout to the things I track, and I really like how it turned out. Hopefully, I will use it every day!!

Mood Mandala


One spread I am very excited about is the Mood Mandala. This was created by @bujo.mama over on Instagram, and it consists of a page with circles that you fill in with color every day, each color meaning a different mood, and then you draw a mandala on top.

In the end, you will have a very colorful page, and you’ll be able to see – based on the colors – how you felt throughout the month, and maybe think of some ways you can improve your mood in the following month.

Weekly Spread


The last one is my spread for the first week of March. I recently started to use Boho Berry’s layout for my weeks, and I really like it. It’s very useful, there’s tons of room, and you can have everything in just two pages.

I usually have my trackers on the right side, but since I’ll be using a monthly tracker in March, I added boxes for:

  1. my tasks for the week
  2. the tasks/events for the following week
  3. upcoming assignments for college
  4. expenses
  5. orders I’m waiting to arrive
  6. list of groceries I need to make my lunches for school.

I love how this spread looks, it’s always very clean and neat, but also so pretty!! And I love to play around with different colors, it’s very fun!

Alright guys, that’s it for my setup so far.

I really hope you guys like this post and video, and definitely leave any comments or suggestions down below, I’d love to read them!

See you on my next post ♡